Speaking Opportunities

Speaking at an Ai Event

Ai Events doesn't sell speaking slots, although you can opt for a paid for pitch in the Lions' Den!

Speaking on an agenda is determined by the relevance of the proposed topic for the audience, as well as the experience of the speaker and their company.


If you work in an airline or a company that has as its main business selling travel products direct to customers, then our delegates want to hear your insights. Therefore, we give priority to these speakers. If you are working in a company that supports these businesses, then our delegates tell us that co-presentations with your airline/travel industry clients are the best way to share insights and we give next priority to these. New research and market insights are also highly valued by delegates and they are keen to hear from presenters that can share new research cases and studies.

We operate on a "first come, first served" basis providing that the topic is relevant to the delegates. You can see a sample of the information that you need to complete the online form by clicking here

Submitting a Proposal to Speak

If you'd like to speak at an Ai event, please complete our online form by clicking here